Office Solutions

Now, more than ever, the demand for English language proficiency has increased rapidly, which requires you and your employees to communicate effectively in the global scenario. Organisations frequently overlook this point and therefore not achieve the expected outcome. We will help, not only to teach, but also to understand the psychologies of learning the language. We have, in the past, worked with companies by offering two solutions in their learning approach:

Offering your employees to work in groups permalink

Depending on the number of employees and their levels, we can organise group study. The number of employees who will be in a particular group will be assessed during a free ‘needs analysis session, which will be offered to each individual. The advantages of choosing this approach are:

  • Feeling motivated to learn with fellow colleagues
  • Having a sense of competition before tests and individual presentations
  • Prepare presentations together and help identify each other’s errors
  • Excel in working as a team, thus benefiting the company further

Offering each of your employees an individual slot permalink

Alternatively, each employee can be given a particular timeslot where he/she can focus on individual learning if they are not comfortable to learn in groups. The advantages are:

  • Learning without peer pressure
  • To be able to choose a preferred timeslot
  • Will be paired with native English-speaking professionals in a similar field for ‘unguarded’ practice
  • Have more responsibilities and independence whilst preparing for presentations