Group Study

We give you the opportunity to build your own classrooms. Studying alone can sometimes be a bit dull, especially if you are a young learner. If you are focusing on General English, you can choose to study with your friends or family. Of course, it is possible that all your levels might not be the same, which is why every individual will be approached individually after each lesson for a thorough feedback. Learning in groups will give you the opportunity to:

  • Learn while having fun
  • Focus on topics that you are all aware of
  • Compete in fun activities and games
  • Do homework together
  • Be confident during sessions
  • Have the safety and comfort to learn from your homes
  • Learn without pressure

English Solved offers the following:

  • Weekly/Monthly report cards for progress check
  • Weekly tests
  • All instructors have undergone ISI and British Council Inspection and possess a security clearance to teach Young Learners
  • Pre-lesson and post lesson tasks will be provided
  • Resources will be provided
  • Presentations will be prepared and used for the delivery of each lesson
  • Requests from parents will be considered